Friday, July 6, 2007

For those of you who don't know, this is a website about smokers/smoking. I think the title is pretty self-explanitory in regards to the content & message they are trying to send. There has been great headway made in de-glamorizing smoking. A ban has actually gone on here in Lloyd which doesn't allow smoking in public places, and they say it will soon cover all of Alberta. I'm quite sure the rest of North America will soon folow suit (with the exception of Nevada of course). After all, SMOKING WILL KILL YOU! Perhaps this is why we call it a 'stupid' thing to do (correct me if I'm wrong). If you lead an otherwise perfectly healthy lifestyle, smoking will still cut 13 years off your life (this is excluding the other effects of smoking).

Now this is where my article will take a turn. I don't smoke... I grew up knowing it was stupid (not that it really kept me from doing it when I was younger). However, as I get older I've noticed some changes to my health (that are not due to smoking). Yes, my stomach has become a bit larger than it once was. It is actually estimated that Obesity is set to overcome smoking as the #1 cause of death in the United States in the coming years (cuts over 18 years off your life just for over-eating & getting fat... lack of exercise catapults that number).

So now who are the stupid ones? I'm not innocent myself, but I do find it somewhat ironic that restaurants won't allow smoking, yet I can order 30 chicken wings & 18 beer without anyone batting an eye. Sure I'm not affecting the person sitting next to me, but I am killing myself.

They say smoking in movies will soon result in an automatic 'R' rating, yet we still have movies like 'Norbit' out there where the star is a super obese woman. So my question is, since we have determined over-eating & eating crap will be our #1 killer, why are we still glamorizing it? McDonalds & KFC should be hated MORE than the cigarette companies. They directly target children. If you're not outraged, I sure am.

What brings this up is the new show 'Big Medicine' (& the other numerous shows) which features the fattest people in the world & thier 'struggles' to get thin. Now if someone wants to get fat & kill themself, thats thier business, but when they're tying up the doctors offices & getting medical help (& disability $ since they're too fat to work), then it becomes everyones business. I actually think the viewers are supposed to feel bad for the people.

I love food & eat constantly, but am now making myself eat veggies & chicken, and low fat yogurt for a snack. It's HARD passing that pastry aisle, but it has to be done. If you ask me, the pastry aisle should be more illegal than selling cigarettes to minors. We don't need the temptation.


Megan said...

You've correctly identified the main difference between cigarettes and cream cheese rolled in salami: A person who eats junk food is only hurting himself.

You can go ahead and kill yourself. Killing others is not OK, though.

I think you should join the Princess and me in our little calorie-counting game. All you have to do is measure your thighs and enter all of your meals into a computer, then sit back and feel bad about yourself.

The Capitalist said...

Yes, but it's costing ME my hard-earned dollars as tax money funds this "health-care"... Perhaps making it illegal is overstepping, as it is a free country. I do however strongly believe there should be a tax system which charges 6 bucks on a Big Mac.

I fully admit I'm not hero in the ammount I eat, but am picking the foods wisely... My supper was as follows:
3 servings spinach
2 servings carrots
2 servings broccoli
1 serving rice (admittedly white)
1.5 servings chicken breast
It was 7:45 when I ate...
I'll have another chicken breast by 9:30, and will have likely eaten a full thing of (non-fat) yogurt by the time I go to bed ~11.

I did work out today, but can't say it's a thing I do often these days.

Megan said...

I go through phases of thinking that we should reform our health-care system so that people who have purposely caused their own injuries shouldn't be on the main government plan. Usually, I'm specifically thinking of self-inflicted lung disease caused by years of smoking, or morons who crack their skulls open because they don't wear bike helmets.

The problem is that this would never work, because almost all injuries and illnesses are caused by some sort of stupidity on the patient's part.

Megan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Torq said...

To be realistic the guy smoking in the restaurant next to you is not going to really hurt you much (unless you have serious asthma or other breathing condition like the Princess does). What it will really do is stink the place up and lower the enjoyment you receive from eating out. If you like, it is aesthetically displeasing.

Could this same argument be used as a ban against ugly people or the morbidly obese?

It is now illegal to smoke in your car if there is a child riding in the car with you. This may be a good idea for health reasons but is pretty invasive to what you are able to do on (in) your own property. What next, you can't smoke in your house? Why not just make cigarettes straight up illegal and get it over with?

Megan said...

When I go to dinner with uggos who have giant goiters sticking out of the backs of their necks (not that I have anyone in mind), I'm free to look in the other direction. You can't get away from cigarette smoke.

The Blueberry Princess said...

Personally, I really enjoy the fact that smoking is banned in all public places in my state. It makes my dining experience much more pleasurable. I don't see why I or anyone else should have to suffer for someone else's bad habit. According to the following article, even one night of secondhand exposure is damaging to the lungs.

Torq, just to set the record straight, that is only a law in one city, and it was voted in by the citizens of that city. It doesn't necessarily make the law any better, but we might as well be clear.

We might see a time where the pastry section is forcibly removed from all major supermarkets. Pastries will never be outlawed because there is nothing wrong with having something sweet to eat every once in a while.

Torq said...

You guys are stressing me out! I need to go out into my car and smoke a cigarette.

Anonymous said...

I as a smoker can agree that it is not good for you but my beef comes with these commercials that are being aired. For those who are not familiar with them they include, strapping antlers to your head and running around in the forest during hunting season, Standing on a hill in a lightning storm holding a metal pole, and pouring cleaners on cereal then eating it. The object is to get people thinking that these things are safer to do than lighting up a cigarette! And guess what! It works, now my 5 year old child wants to eat breakfast with windex and play outside in lightning storms! The creators of these commercials and everybody associated with them should be hanging their heads in pure shame. If you were to hold a gun to a non smokers head and give them the option to do what is depicted in these commercials or to light up a smoke, really what do you think the outcome will be? I guarantee you'll witness a human chimney, after all people have lived to their ripe old 90's being a smoker! How many people do you know of that consume household cleaners on a daily basis have lived that long. These commercials need to be BANNED!