Friday, April 4, 2008

"Pregnant Man Speaks Out"

Ok, I'll make this short. This has been all over the news for two weeks now. A dude. A PREGNANT dude! I'll admit I was a little curious, but never read up on it, or looked into it until I saw it coming up on Oprah (ya, I know...). So I turn the channel to see whats the fuss.

Sure enough, out he strolls. A dude. A PREGNANT dude! And two minutes later comes the kicker... HE was born a SHE! Needless to say, this sucker turned the channel out of disgust. And not because of the sex-change deal, but because it's NOT a big story. It's NOT a pregnant man, it's a pregnant woman. Big deal...


Anonymous said...

The story does make a point that used to be obvious: it is not possible for a person to change sex. It is possible to remove our sex organs, but not possible to change our sex.
We can be emotionally confused about our sexual identity, but in fact, that identity is fixed, in every cell of our body: xx or xy.


Torq said...

*chuckles* I had heard about this "Pregnant guy" thing and was avoiding actually reading it out of a sort of horror in wondering what human beings were going to have done to their bodies next. This is a lot better though. Now I can see that it was just a joke!

Megan said...

Yes, it is truly breaking news that after surgery, organs that weren't removed continue to function.