Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm really begining to resent Conservatives. Why? Because I am the REAL Conservative. The people running under the 'conservative' name do it just to get my vote, not because they are actually of my standpoint on the issues. Palin is big with Conservatives. I won't even get into the earmarking (which is extreemely troubling). She gave Alaskans a $1200 tax rebate last year. She flaunts this fact. But for every federal tax dollar her state collected, she swindled back TWO! Where did that $ come from? ME...YOU... And somehow Conservatives seem to love this girl? Gimme a break. Once again, before you vote, THINK!


Megan said...

Yeah, I'm a small-c conservative. Get the government out of my business.

See you this weekend.

Anonymous said...

What are our options? Do you think Obama is more conservative?


The Capitalist said...

Absolutely not, or at least not as the Republicans have mutated the term. I think he is more COMPETANT! There is no doubt in my mind. Much of my opinions are in contrast to Obama's, but I value his abilities and can see he is a Leader. He has a Vision. He is capable of seeing a project thru, and is not entirely corrupted by the system and the powers surrounding him. And he can Inspire people.

Aren't you in the "We Won't Get Fooled Again" generation? PLEASE don't get fooled again. I kinda think we're all pretty ****ed either way, but the choice is obvious. If not for the 2-party system the election would be a blowout (and we wouldn't even be having this conversation, as we would be on the same side).