Saturday, September 27, 2008


It finally happened. I've seen hundreds of people discussing the current economic turmoil, but I finally saw one I agree with. His view is that we've borrowed and spent ourselves into debt. The market NEEDS to crash, because it is overpriced. Government intervention can only worsen the problem, because you can't solve an economic crisis with a printing press. People are so far removed from the basics of the economy that they can no longer understand the fundamentals of the dollar.

We live in a world where people truly believe they can work (and earn money) from home. News Flash: You can NOT! -well, the vast majority of you- I'm not saying you won't recieve a check, I'm saying you won't earn money. If you cannot see the difference between the two, then you are the cause of our problem.

The government is going to bail out Wall Street with a $700 billion package. But it is impossible for this to fundamentally solve the problem. There's a reason why I'm not allowed to photocopy money and spend it. The same fundamental behind that truth is the fundamental that will lead to the collapse of the American economy.


Anonymous said...

Nathan, besides being a gurneyite, you are also a luddite (maybe a troglodyte). I think you might be right, though. I think the whole structure is built out of paper, when it really should be made out of gold.
Your choice for President does not share your view of the economy.


The Capitalist said...

Traditionally speaking you are right about my choice for president. But this time I'm not so sure. Hence my break from tradition.