Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Bye For Now...

Well, my fellow bloggers, It will be a few weeks until my next post, as I am heading to a camp in the Great North (or balmy south for you in the NWT) for work. Perhaps this will give STEVE a chance to forget about his gay "josh" character (I assure you all, there is no dude out there after little ole me). Hopefully I will also be able to think of another topic or two while I'm away... I'm sure I'll remember a few more things that piss me off during that time, and I'll be sure to enlighten you all when I return. Until then.............


Megan said...

We will miss you. Try to get to a computer while you're away -- I enjoy your posts.

Megan said...

I have an idea: Let's take over Nate's blog while he's gone. Who's with me?

Torq said...

I'm IN!!!

Megan said...

Wait, what could possibly be worse than what is already here? Links to Britney's blog, boy-band videos and gay admirers -- I'm not sure that there's anything left to do.

Torq said...

True! I suppose that this means that anything that we do would only improve the place. I have a pretty good idea what his password is so let me know what you want to post on here. I was thinking some good old fashioned philosophy!

Megan said...

Go for it!